Jack Bickerton joined Chambers in 2024 as the family pupil under the supervision of David Maddison, head of the family law team.
Jack has experience in family law prior to pupillage in both private and public matters. Jack worked as a family mediator in both child arrangements and financial disputes prior to commencing pupillage, as well as sitting as a family magistrate.
Jack also has a keen interest and experience in Mental Health and Mental Capacity Law. He regularly sat on Care and Treatment Review panels as part of the national Transforming Care programme which reviewed the ongoing inpatient stays for Autistic people and people with a learning disability.
Jack has also delivered training on the core principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to health and social care professionals across the North West. Jack is familiar with the added complexities that such diagnoses may have in proceedings.
Jack graduated from the University of York with an upper second class LLB. Subsequently, he studied a masters in International Human Rights Law at the University of Leeds. His masters focused on disability law in which he achieved a Distinction.
Jack has two published papers in the Kings Student Law Review, one of which explores whether the family courts should remove children from parents under s.31 of the Children Act where radicalisation is causing significant harm
Jack’s pupillage has focused on both Public and Private law proceedings and will be available to instruct in April 2025.
Private and Public Family Law
Learning Disabilities and Autism
Human Rights
Family Mediator (not practising)
Family Magistrate (2022-2023)
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