COVID - 19 Contingency Plan

Cobden House Chambers is acting proactively to guard against the risks posed by the COVID-19 outbreak and have devised an internal action plan to assist in restricting the spread of the COVID-19.

It is of vital importance for Chambers to be in a position to ensure that any and all procedures are in place to support the health and well-being of our clients, staff and members, whilst still continuing to provide an exceptional service.

We ask where possible that all conferences and meetings now to take place by telephone, skype or e-witness in order to restrict all non-essential travel to Chambers. As things stand Court hearings are going ahead, however where appropriate we are working with our clients and the court service to facilitate hearing taking place by telephone where ever possible.

Cobden House Chambers will operate on a skeleton staff basis with immediate effect, with a minimum amount of staff members in chambers and the remainder working remotely from home.

All members of chambers and staff working from home will do so in accordance with GDPR and our Data policy; details of which can be found on our website

As this situation is continually developing Cobden House Chambers are closely monitoring the official guidance from the UK Government and Public Health England carefully and should the need for further action be required Chambers will provide updates.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Clerking, Martin Leech on 0161 833 6000 or via [email protected]

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