A woman with long brown hair, wearing a dark gray blazer and white blouse, is smiling at the camera.

Angela Georgiou

Year of Call: 1997
Practice areas:
  • Clinical Negligence
  • Personal Injury
  • Industrial Disease


Angela specialises in all aspects of personal injury and clinical negligence litigation, almost exclusively in the multi track.  She has a balanced practice, representing both Claimants and Defendants. 

Angela frequently acts for major insurers and local authorities and is regularly instructed in cases involving complex medical evidence or causation issues. She has an excellent understanding of the medical issues arising in complicated personal injury claims, with particular expertise in head injuries, as well as cases involving complex psychiatric injury and chronic pain conditions. Angela enjoys dealing with difficult causation issues where careful but confident handling of medical experts is required. She is experienced in handling fatal accident claims, including cases where there are complex financial issues and multiple dependents. As a result Angela regularly accepts instructions to appear at inquests, including Jury and Article 2 inquests. Angela also has considerable experience in advising both Claimants and insurers as to issues relating to motor insurance, and regularly receives instructions to advise on coverage and policy issues, liability under the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Motor Insurers’ Bureau liability. 

Angela is noted for her meticulous preparation, eye for detail and her skilled advocacy. She is experienced in joint settlement meetings and mediations, where she is able to combine tactical awareness with a robust approach in negotiations.   

Whilst happy to work alone, Angela also works with leading counsel in cases of the utmost severity. She has recently been led a case involving a traumatic below knee amputation that was likely to come to an elective above knee amputation which settled at a JSM for a figure of £4.75 million; an unusually large award for an amputation case. Angela was also recently instrumental in the resolution of a case involving a severe brain injury. Angela had been involved from the very outset of the case, steering the matter towards a JSM almost 7 years post accident at which settlement of £5.5 million was agreed.        

Angela is well known for her friendly and approachable manner, and she is liked by both lay and professional clients. She welcomes calls or emails to discuss a tricky point that would not normally justify formal instructions.   

As well as her personal injury practice, Angela has an excellent understanding of regulatory issues. She has been sitting as a Legally Qualified Chair for the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service since 2022, and regularly acts as legal advisor to the Chief Constable of Lancashire Constabulary in police disciplinary matters. 

Notable Cases

Opoku v Tintas [2013] EWCA Civ 1299 

Credit hire case involving hire charges of £130,000. The issue before the Court of Appeal was whether the finding that the Claimant was impecunious was inconsistent with a finding that at some point during the 22 month hire period, the Claimant could have found funds to cease hire. Angela represented the Claimant and was praised for her “excellent submissions” advanced “in an attractive and efficient way.” 

Clifford v Black Knights Parachute Club 

Fatal accident claim. The deceased was on his first solo parachute jump when the lines of his parachute became entangled. He was repeatedly instructed to ‘cut away’ and thus deploy his reserve parachute, even when he had dropped below the height at which the reserve chute could be safely deployed. Angela represented the deceased’s family at the initial inquest, and then at the liability trial where judgment was obtained in the Claimant's favour. The case settled at a JSM. 


Catastrophic brain and orthopaedic injuries arising out of a road traffic accident. Good orthopaedic recovery but Claimant had ongoing cognitive difficulties and lacked capacity. Claimant’s claim involved a significant claim for the costs of legal fees and support workers to enable the Claimant to regain access to his young son. Angela represented the Claimant and was led by Chris Melton KC. The case settled at a JSM for £5.5m. 

ABC v Covea Insurance

Represented the Claimant who, aged 18, suffered a traumatic below knee amputation in an RTA. The case involved complex issues, including a residuum that was insensate and badly shaped for prosthetics. Claimant also suffered significant psychiatric injury, on a background of a pre-existing undiagnosed personality disorder, made worse by post-accident drug use which led to psychosis and the Claimant being sectioned on 3 occasions. Causation of psychiatric injury in dispute, as was suggested need for elective above-knee amputation. Led by Gerard Martin KC.  The case settled at a JSM for £4.75m. 

DDN v D 

Represented the Defendant in a complicated case involving causation of injury in a liability-admitted road traffic accident matter. The Claimant maintained life-long injuries as a result of the accident whereas the Defendant argued that the Claimant's difficulties stemmed from an unrelated incident 2 ½ years post accident. The difference in valuation between the two sides was approximately £700,000. Orthopedic, Psychiatric and Pain Management experts retained on both sides and the matter proceeded to 5 day trial, where two of the Claimant's experts no longer supported the Claimant's case, conceding that the Claimant had deliberately hidden her relevant medical history. Claimant’s claim quantified by the trial judge at less than £5,000 and a finding of fundamental dishonesty was made.    

SC v W  

Represented Claimant who suffered a catastrophic brain injury whilst a passenger in a car being driven by her boyfriend, which belonged to the Claimant's father. Liability denied on the basis that Claimant knew the car had been stolen and thus her claim was an ‘excluded liability’ within the meaning of s.151 (4) of the RTA 1988. Claim settled at JSM for £1.1 million. Against Stephen Worthington KC. 

MW v Peel Holdings Ltd 

Acted for infant Claimant who suffered severe dental and psychiatric injuries whilst riding his dirt bike along a private road, on which an unmarked gate had been erected by the Defendants in the dead of night. Liability disputed, but eventually conceded by Defendants. Settlement included significant sums for the future costs of restorative dental treatment. 

JC v Stockport MBC 

Claim by severely disabled patient for brain, dental and psychiatric injuries suffered when he fell from his wheelchair whilst in respite care, having escaped through an open door at the Defendant’s premises. Pre-existing well-controlled epilepsy became unmanageable post accident, but causation of resurgence of epileptic seizures was disputed. Settlement approved by Court, including significant claim for restorative dental treatment.      

M v HH Ltd 

Acted for Claimant in case involving delayed referral for investigation of a suspicious mole. Claimant diagnosed a year later with a lesion that was stage 3a and required radical surgery, immunotherapy and radiotherapy. Had referral been made promptly, the lesion would have been stage 1a and treated with simple excision alone. Survival rate decreased and reduction in life expectancy due to Defendant's negligence.   

N v MFT 

Acted for Claimant where failure to properly perform biopsy led to delayed diagnosis of breast cancer. Delay in diagnosis of a matter of months only, but N’s cancer was particularly aggressive and the delay resulted in a loss of life expectancy of 20 years. Significant claim for lost years.   

AB v CD 

Claim by Claimant for sterilisation operation conducted negligently, which resulted in an unwanted pregnancy.  Claim settled by Defendants, including a sum in respect of the future care needs of the child, who was born with significant disabilities. 

TH v TB 

Novel claim by Claimant for damages for psychiatric injury, when she discovered that her grandson had been sexually assaulted by her partner, whilst in her home. Defendant convicted of rape and imprisoned. Claim brought in tort for intentional or reckless infliction of harm. Liability initially denied, on basis that Claimant was not a primary or secondary victim and her claim was barred. Claim eventually settled by the Defendant.    

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