Nicholas Flanagan

Year of Call:
Practice areas
  • Crime

Nicholas has a wealth of experience in all aspects of criminal litigation, frequently acting for the prosecution and defence. He has conducted a wide variety of cases, including serious sexual offences, drugs, firearms and fraud. He is known for his approachability, as well as his sensitive handling of lay clients and witnesses alike.

He has been appointed a CPS Category 3 prosecutor and is on the specialist rape and serious sexual offences panel. He has prosecuted and defended allegations of rape and child sexual offences and regularly acts in cases involving particularly vulnerable complainants. Nicholas has been instructed in cases involving complex and sensitive issues, including mental health difficulties and cases with a foreign dynamic.

  • Serious sexual offences, including historic abuse
  • Drug conspiracies
  • Serious violence and weapon offences
  • White collar and complex frauds
  • Regulatory offences, including trademarks and immigration matters

Nicholas has prosecuted a number of multi-handed and material-dense cases, where anxious scrutiny and thorough preparation is required.

Notable Cases
  • R v S – Prosecuted an allegation of male rape, with a significant volume of third party material and electronic evidence.
  • R v I – Successfully defended a taxi driver alleged to have seriously sexually assaulted a young passenger.
  • R v J – Defended an individual charged with fraudulent use of trademarks and proceeds of crime offences totalling over £700k.
  • R v P and others – Prosecuted a complex honour-based kidnapping and assault involving four Defendants, with significant media interest.
  • R v N – Acted in a domestic-violence trial, with allegations of controlling and coercive behaviour, sexual assaults and related immigration offences.
  • R v O – Junior defence counsel in a gang murder trial.
  • R v S – Acted as junior counsel in a case concerning historic sexual offences allegedly committed by a convicted murderer.

Criminal Bar Association

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