Rochdale Boroughwide Housing Limited v Izevbigie and United Utilities Water Limited (Intervener) 2017 EWHC 790 (Ch)
Test case on the recoverability of water charges with rent following on from Jones v Southwark LBC [2016] EWHC 417 (Ch). Successfully secured a determination that the housing association was not a reseller of water and was not liable to refund any part of the charges to its tenants.
City West Housing Trust v Lindsey Massey [2016] EWCA Civ 704
Instructed in the Supreme Court to settle the response to an application for permission to appeal from the order of the Court of Appeal. After filing of the response one appellant discontinued and the Supreme Court refused permission to the other.
X v Y (a firm) & anr (2015)
Solicitor’s negligence and fraud action relating to a property development scheme. Claim valued at c.£1m, compromised 3 weeks before 10 day trial.
Clark v Manchester City Council [2015] UKUT 129 (LC)
Important issue of principle concerning the power of a Local Authority to impose minimum room size standards in HMO (houses in multiple occupation) licences and the effect of those standards on the First Tier Tribunal. Heard before the Deputy President of the Lands Chamber.
Hudson v Sutton (2015) unrep.
Permission granted by Court of Appeal for a second appeal on the issue of the tenant’s Article 8 rights as against a private landlord. Stayed pending the Supreme Court’s decision in McDonald v McDonald [2016] UKSC 28. Subsequently withdrawn by consent.
R. (on the application of Trafford) v Blackpool BC [2014] EWHC 85 (Admin)
Judicial review of a Local Authority decision to refuse the renewal of a leasehold interest in commercial property.
Salford CC v Mullen [2010] EWCA Civ 336
Subsequently became Hounslow LBC v Powell [2011] UKSC 8, the leading case on the recognition of tenant’s Article 8 rights in mandatory possession proceedings brought by public bodies (led by Jan Luba QC, now HHJ Luba QC).
Gibbons v Bury MBC [2010] EWCA Civ 327
Leading case on ‘gatekeeping’ by local authorities in Homelessness Applications.
Eastlands v Whyte [2010] EWHC 695 (QB)
Public law defects in starter tenancy reviews by housing associations.
MCC v Benjamin [2008] EWCA Civ 189
Leading case on tenant’s entitlement to exercise the right to buy where a possession order has been made and suitable alternative accommodation offered.
Sefton v Halliwell [2007] EWCA Civ 473
Boundary dispute, application of the Wigginton principles, the Land Registration Rules and judicial interpretation of ambiguous plans.
Stead & Ors v Rochdale MBC (2006) (Bury Magistrate’s Court)
Successful appeal on behalf of 22 property owners from a retaining wall remediation notice served by the Local Authority. The works required would have cost in excess of £1m.