Our Mini Pupillage Scheme is designed to give mini pupils the opportunity to find out whether a career as a barrister is for them. The mini pupils will shadow barristers during their hearing, conferences and/or written work.

Each successful mini pupillage will be for a 3-day period arranged on a mutually convenient date to the mini pupil and to Chambers. During the course of the mini pupillage, the mini pupil may need to travel to courts within Greater Manchester.

All applicants must be 18 years old (or above) on the date of their mini pupillage.

Applications are now open and the Application Form is available to download.

The selection criteria for applicants: Is the applicant someone who, in the future, could be a promising applicant for a career as a barrister?

• Applicants who have begun to accumulate the qualifications, skills, and experience that are relevant to a career as a barrister are more likely to be successful.

• Applicants who write clearly and persuasively on the written application are more likely to be successful.

Please download our mini pupillage application form from this page and once completed email it to [email protected]



Further details of our mini pupillage scheme can be found in our policy here: 


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